How to spell including

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Can you spell includes?

How Do You Spell INCLUDES? Correct spelling for the English word “includes” is [ɪnklˈuːdz], [ɪnklˈuːdz], [ɪ_n_k_l_ˈuː_d_z] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

Whats does including mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to take in or comprise as a part of a whole or group. 2 : to contain between or within two sides and the included angle. 3 : to shut up : enclose.

What kind of word is including?

Including can be a verb or a preposition.

Does including mean in addition to?

include Add to list Share. The verb include means to consider as a part of something. The verb include also means adding something (or someone) to a category or group. Once you try bungee jumping, you might want to include, or add, that to your list of favorite things.

What does including mean in math?

The word ‘included‘ in geometry roughly means something that is between two other things. An included angle is an angle that is between two given sides or lines. See Included side definition.
